Wiki Loves Earth in Spain and Portugal was co-organized by Wikimedia Spain and Wikimedia Portugal, independent associations that support volunteers from the Wikimedia movement in their respective countries. The contest was organized for the second time by Wikimedia Portugal, after a first edition in 2015. In Spain, it is the 5th edition. Prizes for the € 400 contest were funded through Wikimedia Foundation grant. The photos were evaluated by a jury composed by Béria Lima, Santiago Navarro, Cori Fernández Vásquez, Diogo Espregueira Themudo and Marta R. Herrero. 2945 photos of protected areas in Spain and 1023 in Portugal were uploaded by 230 and 141 participants, respectively. The vast majority of participants uploaded their first photo to the Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia's open media repository, as part of the contest. The best photos from Portugal and Spain (including the winning photos in the Iberian contest) were also evaluated by an international jury together with the finalists from all participating countries.
Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM) is an annual photographic competition held during the month of September and organized by members of the Wikimedia community around the world. Participants take photographs of the various monuments and historical sites in their region, then upload them to Wikimedia Commons. The contest aims to give visibility to the built heritage of the participating countries, encouraging people to register them photographically and to publish these images under a free license, so that they can be used not only on Wikipedia, but anywhere and for any purpose. people. 6309 photos of built and archaeological heritage were uploaded in Portugal, by 85 participants, with the 12th country by number of photographs in the competition globally. The three best photos as well as the participant who competed with photographs from the largest number of different monuments were awarded prizes totaling two thousand euros, financed through [[meta:Grants:Project/Rapid/WMPT/Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in Portugal|Wikimedia Foundation scholarship].
The Wiki Science Competition is an international photography contest organized by Wikimedia, in which participants must create images related to science and submit them to Wikimedia Commons under a free license. It is impossible to imagine our culture without science. In the visual world in which we live, it is not enough to talk about science: it is necessary to visualize it. For this reason, we organized this contest, to encourage the creation and, above all, the free exchange of all kinds of images related to science. The contest was organized for the first time in Estonia, and in 2015 it extended to the whole of Europe. For the first time, the WMPT organized the contest in Portugal, having submitted 70 photos. The winners will be announced shortly. Each winner in the six categories of the contest will be offered 10 edited books and kindly offered by Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation.
'September 15' Strategy Salon 2019: The Strategy Rooms are an opportunity for affiliates recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation to organize personal meetings to discuss the strategy of the global movement. The purpose of these events is to allow affiliate leaders to bring together a wide variety of members to have more detailed conversations on the strategic topics that interest them most. The hope is that these events will not only allow meaningful and creative discussions about the future, but also offer affiliates opportunities to strengthen relationships and deepen engagement with their members. ([4])
ISCTE 'February 27' - Wikimedia Portugal volunteers, Ana Cravo and Walter, gave a brief training to graduate students in Informatics applied to ISCTE organizations, under the guidance of Prof. Manuela Aparício, on the creation of content and translations on Wikipedia.
'March 6' Senior Wiki Workshop - Sintra: It is public knowledge that in Western countries, and in Portugal in particular, the population is aging, due in particular to the increase in average life expectancy and the low birth rate. This growing number of older people will condition economic, political, social and cultural scenarios in these countries, noting from the point of view of culture, significant changes both consumers and producers of these services being more and more public and private entities adjusting their products / services and target audience. In ten years, from 1990 to 2010, in Portugal, the number of people aged 65 and over increased from 1.3 million to 2 million, with the life expectancy increased from 74.1 to 79.6 years, the number of seniors with university degrees increased from 0.02% to 0.04% and the number of students at Senior Universities has increased from 1,200 to 32,000. The use of the internet by seniors is increasing with 32% of seniors regular internet access, according to a survey of 2012, when in 2001 it was only 5%. ICUs are a model of training seniors with great success worldwide and providing a wide range of activities cultural, recreational, scientific and learning activities in the concept of lifelong learning. The first ICU appeared in France, in 1973 at the University of Toulouse Social Sciences with Dr. Pierre Vellas who had the idea of associating the occupation of free time, leisure, teaching and research. Pierre Vellas was also the founder of the Association International University of Senior Universities in 1976 having defined thus the ICUs: “Public health institutions aiming to raise the levels of physical, mental and social health of elderly people as well how to make available programs of activities particularly adapted. ” In 2012, throughout Portugal, there were about 168 Universities for Terceira Age. And bearing in mind this framework and bearing in mind the benefit mutual benefit, or for the active aging of third-country citizens age or for the development of Wikimedia content, for example Wikimedia Portugal members have been developed Workshops for initiation of editing on Wikipedia and other sister platforms with the first event taking place on March 6, 2019 at the Senior University of Sintra with the presence of six people. In this first event, five of those present managed to create a short article on a historical subject.
'15 -16 May 'S. Domingos de Benfica Academy. Presentation of Wikipedia and the sister platforms, those present had the opportunity to possibility to learn how to edit in Wikipedia, Commons and Wikidata. In view of the growing importance of the elderly population in societies possibilities for mutual benefit, for themselves citizens and Wikimedia projects, are large, with willingness and willingness of WMPT volunteers to continue to advance.
'8-10 February' Iberoconf 2019, Santiago de Chile: Ana Cravo and Paulo Perneta February / 002822.html Iberoconf 2019 was held in Santiago de Chile and was attended by Ana Cravo and Paulo Perneta on behalf of the WMPT. As a result of this meeting, the WMPT subscribed to Letter of Santiago together with 8 other 'chapters and user groups stating concerns about the Wikimedia 2030 strategic process, the roles and responsibilities of affiliates within the Wikimedia movement and the current criteria for recognizing new affiliates.
'29 -31 March ' Wikimedia Summit (+' 1-2 April 'Board training; Ana Cravo) From March 29 to 31, 2019, the Wikimedia Summit was held in Berlin, the largest official meeting of the Wikimedia Foundation members and affiliates. This year's big goal was to discuss Wikimedia's strategic move for 2030. What is the mission and where do we want to go this year with the different Wikimedia platforms? The big news this year was the fact that the affiliates present included not only representatives from 38 chapters, including Wikimedia Portugal, but also representatives from 108 user groups, such as AmiCal and Wikimujeres, for example. Thus, enormous diversity and greater representativeness of the various elements that make up this world were guaranteed. For three days, various topics were discussed in different ways. One of the most talked about and participated was the discussion about the election of the two seats on the Board of Trustees elected by the affiliates. With the recent changes to this election process, several affiliates have expressed their opinion and suggested changes. Another task that encouraged the participants was the numerous activities of development of ideas for the nine Working Groups, responsible for preparing the state of the art and recommendations for each specific area of the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy. There we were invited to meet people from all over the world and discuss with them our ideas, experiences and recommendations. It was good to know that all affiliates, small or large, Anglo-Saxon or minority languages, share the same problems and have similar conceptions about the future of the movement. ; Board Training After the Wikimedia Summit, from 1 to 2 April, Board Training took place, a training conducted by Wikimedia Germany (Tim Moritz Hector) and Wikimedia Netherlands (Frans Grijzenhout) dedicated to training members of the management of the various Wikimedias, in order to improve the functioning of its chapters. Chris Keating (Wikimedia United Kingdom), Sandra Rientjes (Wikimedia Netherlands) and Lukas Mezger (Wikimedia Germany) also participated. For two days, practical exercises were carried out where it was realized the importance of defining a Strategic Plan and a Conflict of Interest Plan in the daily management of the chapters. These documents define the fundamentals and guidelines that best guide the performance of each organization. * WikiIndaba 2019 (Paulo Perneta)
Application canceled to the Active Citizens Program of the EEA Grants / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation with a view to financing the arrival of Wikimedia Norge to Portugal (July-September 2019)
The year 2019 began with the signing of a new chapter agreement on March 21, 2019 with the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) after the resolution of the situation that led to the suspension of WMPT's affiliation with WMF in 2018 (see report 2018). This new agreement replaces the previous agreement signed in 2011. The signing of the new agreement was approved at XII ordinary General Assembly (see below).
In 2019, 18 new members were registered, the second highest figure since the foundation of the association. Most of the new members appear as a direct consequence of the association's activities, namely photo competitions. Most of the new members reside in Portugal, but there are several residents in Brazil, Angola and Guinea-Bissau. The number of effective members therefore reached 61, a figure close to the number of members in 2017. Recalling that the number of effective members had decreased in 2018 due to the suspension of members who did not update their data, in order to include the information address.
Wikimedia Portugal's XII Ordinary General Assembly was held on 27 April, for approval of the previous year's Activity Report and accounts, discussion of the 2019 activity plan and approval of the new according to the Wikimedia Foundation with the participation of 8 members. During that meeting, the expulsion of associate João Vasconcelos was also deliberated. The board met several times throughout the year, mostly online. Four meetings were formal, and can be consult the respective agendas and records. The management and other members of the governing bodies, in addition to associates responsible for organizing an event, were also in permanent contact through an instant messaging group on Google Hangouts. Admission to this group is made according to the needs of each member, and depending on the events being organized.
The communication of Wikimedia Portugal's activities and projects is done with the associates, but also externally. The main means of contact with associates remains the general mailing list. Over 200 messages were sent throughout the year, the vast majority of which were sent in the first half of 2019. There was a substantial decline in the number of messages sent to the mailing list in the second half of the year, possibly due to the fact that there has been no situation that would require discussion by the mailing list, unlike what happened in the first half, with the election of members of the WMF board of directors, and organization of the April General Assembly. A internal ailing list serves as another means of communication for the governing bodies, press contact and with the general public, so it received about 600 messages in 2019, and there was also a greater flow in the first semester. Wikimedia Portugal is also present on social networks, mainly Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, the page has about a thousand followers, we made more than 50 posts and two events were announced that reached more than 2 thousand people. On Twitter, the page has about 35 thousand followers, and about 1500 tweets have been made so far since 2009.
For the development of internal activities and organization of events Wikimedia Portugal has a stock of promotional material, which can be made available to members on request:
Plasticized poster of the symbol (Jorge Gomes)
2019 bags, posters and calendars related to the Loves Earth Wiki (offered by Wikimedia Ukraine, Ana Cravo)
[* Official stamp of Wikimedia Portugal (Ana Cravo)]
Wikimedia Portugal (WMPT), officially Associação Wikimedia Portugal, is a private non-profit association that supports the activities of the Wikimedia movement in Portugal. It aims to contribute to the widespread dissemination of knowledge and culture by encouraging the collection and creation of content free from restrictions on use, modification and distribution, and the dissemination of them. Promotes and supports the projects of the non-profit organization Wikimedia Foundation, based in the United States of America, with emphasis on projects in Portuguese. Establishes and maintains exchanges and relations with other public and private entities, national and foreign, especially from Portuguese-speaking countries and Portuguese communities abroad. Although recognized as a "chapter" by the Wikimedia Foundation, it is legally independent of it, and has no editorial control over the content of the projects hosted by it. Most of its members are in Portuguese territory, mainly in the North of Portugal, but with several members active in the area of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, and the Autonomous Region of Madeira. The WMPT board consists of three members: president, secretary and treasurer. The Audit Committee and the General Assembly are also association bodies.